What is it? Say that again?
It's a group that literally hold Hakka as lingua franca.
What is Hakka Verse group mission?
To speak Hakka! To use Hakka! To write Hakka!
To sing in Hakka! To play in Hakka! To think in Hakka!
What language should I use in Hakka verse?
Mainly Hakka. You can use other languages as complement, addition, subordinate, supplement, description, footnote, but never overtake the main language, hakka.
Where are you guys from?
We are hakka! We roam the earth!
How do I join Hakka Verse?
Hakka verse is a Secret group you cannot search in Facebook Search. Even the direct URL will not work if you click it and it says "Group does not exist" if you are not a member. To become a member, you can join Hakka Sim (A public group) first and let me know your intention to join this secret group.
Who is the Admin?
How does it look like?
See some screenshots below.