Monday, June 11, 2018

可為現代實用客譮家拼音: Kho bui hian thoi shit jung hak boi phin jim

Kho bui hian thoi shit jung hak boi phin jim

Heavily borrowing Indonesian "Ejaan Yang Disempurnakan", Hak boi phin jim is the de facto
spelling systems used by speakers of Hakka in West Kalimantan. The fact that in West Kalimantan alone there are two major splits of Hakka subdialect mainly recognized as 硬譮(ngang boi - hard hakka) and 軟譮(nyon boi - soft hakka) does not make it easy to devise one tool fit for all, but all in all this romanization system should serve the purpose.

子音 (Ci jim - Consonants)
This are common consonants used in West bornean hakka, may not be as glanularized as the standard pinyin, but it's easy to use and understand among hakka speaker from west borneo.
八 (p) at - 8 - eight
爬 (ph) a - panjat - climb
橫 (b) ang - miring - horizontal
無 (m) o - tak ada - there's not
翻 (f) an - berguling - roll
打 (t) a - pukul - hit
踏 (th) ap - injak - step
拿 (n) ak - ambil - take
捻 (ny) am - jemput - pick up
魚 (ng) - ikan - fish
了 (l) iau - udah - done
高 (k) o - tinggi - tall
及 (kh) ip - tingkat - level
氣 (h) i - udara - air
做(c) o - buat - do
著 (ch) ok - betul - right
也 (j) a - juga - also
死 (s) i - mati - dead
信 (sh) in - surat - letter

母音(Mu jim - Vowels)
These are the common vowels and diphtongs.
阿 a - suara a - a sound
衣 j(i) - baju - cloth
烏 b(u) - hitam - black
掩 (e)m - menutup - cover
哦 o - suara o - o sound

曬 sh(ai) - menjemur - sun dry
燒 sh(au) - panas - hot
貓 ny(iau) - kucing - cat
天 th(ian) - langit - sky
恬 t(iam) - diam - mute
靚 c(iang) - cantik - pretty
愛 oi - cinta - lov
喂 ui - halo - hello
恁 an - sangat - very
送 s(ung) - memberi - to give

尾子音(mui ci jim - Final consonants)
The three final consonants used in 入音(nyip jim).
十 shi(p) - sepuluh - ten
八 pa(t) - delapan - eight
隻 ca(k) - satuan - unit

音調(jim thiau - Tones)
Most writers and tell Tones from context therefore most likely this spelling is used without any tone marks. However if tone marks is necessary below is a simplified tone markes I devised for the used on smartphones and text chats.

陰平 fu fu 夫 - ayah - dad
陽平 fu' / fu2 乎 - panggil - call
上 fu" / fu3 府 - pemerintah - government
去 'fu (fu*) / fu4 富 - kaya - rich
陰入 fuk / fuk5 福 - rahmat - blessing
陽入 fuk' / fuk8 服 - kagum - amazed

Some notes:
女(girl), and 魚(fish) is spelled as Ng, while 毋(no) is spelled as M, a lot of people still cannot get used to this spelling. The reason I remove the e from em to only resort is M is that there is really no e sounds in 毋(M). In reality however you will see a lot of spelling slurs like hem, eng, em for 毋(m). Em is used to spell 掩(to cover) instead.
The conundrum begins here. If we spell 毋 as em like what commonly accepted, then we would have no way to spell 掩, and if we spell them the same that's some tough spelling exception.

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